Authorised Representative Services

Authorised Representative Services

Authorised Representative Services

As part of our comprehensive compliance services, we offer Authorised Representative services to ensure your products meet the regulatory requirements of the European Union (EU) and the UK. Acting as your appointed representative, we help bridge the gap between you and the regulatory authorities, ensuring that your products comply with all applicable directives and standards.

What is an Authorised Representative?

An Authorised Representative (AR) is an individual or organization designated by a manufacturer located outside of the EU/UK to act on their behalf in meeting legal and regulatory obligations. Under certain EU and UK regulations (including the CE Marking and UKCA Marking requirements), manufacturers are required to appoint an AR to represent them within the jurisdiction where their products are sold.

As your Authorised Representative, we will ensure that your products comply with the regulatory requirements of the EU and UK markets, providing peace of mind and avoiding costly delays.

Our Authorised Representative Services Include:

1. Regulatory Compliance Assistance

We provide guidance on the specific regulatory requirements for your products, including compliance with relevant EU and UK directives such as the Machinery Directive, Low Voltage Directive (LVD), and Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Directive.

2. Declaration of Conformity

As your AR, we help you prepare and maintain the Declaration of Conformity (DoC), a key document confirming that your product meets all applicable EU/UK regulatory requirements.

3. Product Documentation Support

We ensure that your technical documentation is complete, up-to-date, and meets all necessary standards, including user manuals, risk assessments, and technical files.

4. Market Surveillance and Communication

As your representative, we monitor regulatory developments and ensure that your products are always in compliance with new or revised standards. We also communicate with market surveillance authorities on your behalf, ensuring swift responses to any inquiries or compliance issues.

5. Point of Contact for EU/UK Authorities

We act as the primary point of contact for regulatory authorities, making it easier for you to manage communication with enforcement bodies and ensuring that your products continue to meet the relevant legal requirements.

6. Support with CE and UKCA Marking

Our team assists with the CE marking (for EU markets) and UKCA marking (for UK markets), ensuring that your product’s compliance with these marking systems is properly documented and communicated.